Over 8 weeks now.
A basic run down of the last two weeks (in no particular order)
Visited the chamber of deputees in Prague- I have to admit, it was pretty lame.
helped MAKE apple cider!
drank mineral water from a tap in Kralovná Studanská
made Brownies! Jana and I used my mum§s amazing recipe, and they came out fine.
inhaled way to much cigarette smoke thanks to those wonderful people who persist in killing themselves
spent much more money than I should have- I even got ripped off by the bus man on my way home! He owes me 10 korun!
got an amazing box of goodies from home- shoulder rest for my viola, candy corn, an cozy purple sweater that I have been wearing non-stop for the last 3 days, silk long underwear and peanut butter were some of the highlights.
Failed my first test- like ever. Yay for Physics!!! It was destined to happen, though!
got to the Prague train station at 8:05 for a 8:11 train. Without a ticket. And I made it. Well, with some help from my Norwegian friend, Guro.
Donned some rain boots and stomped some cabbage into oblivion. Sauerkraut, here we come!
had another sleepover with my awesome host-sister, Jana. She lives down the hall :D
Taught Egyptian Rat Screw in Czech, semi successfully. Though Crazy Eights was a bigger hit.
Cried after hearing the last few bars of a song I have sung played.
Realized how much I love it here. Then forgot. Then remembered again.
Had a night with more drama than my favorite soap opera, ULICE!
Took the nap I have been meaning to take since I got here. And man, it was good.
By the way, when you are cold, you can borrow my bunda :p
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